越南總會FACEBOOK訊息:『台商總會 VBF 委員會 徵求意見: 越南政府疫情電力優惠方案』

【台商總會 VBF 委員會 徵求意見: 越南政府疫情電力優惠方案 】
敬請參考附件公文: 工商部2698/BCT-ĐTĐT號
疫情電價調整受惠對象: 工業區企業與工廠,門市,宿舍,醫療單位,防疫住所與旅館,居家…等。
❶ 04.29.2020 VBF工作委員會透過總會,發文調研活動邀請給各商會,
❷ 各商會透過電郵或LINE群,蒐集意見,
❸ 請在05.04.2020 回填下面表單問卷,即可完成表達台商之意見。
05.04.2020 18:00前,VBF 工作委員會根據各商會代表意見,將彙整成中文與交由總會翻譯越文,提供越南 VBF。
越南台灣商會聯合總會 沈憲煜總會長
VBF 委會會 主委 曹耀文 OWEN
附件 工商部2698/BCT-ĐTĐT號公文(英文與越文版)
Dear VBF Chambers,
VBF Power & Energy Working Group has been recently contacted by the Vietnam Electricity (“EVN”) for an update on:
(1) comments on the MOIT’s Official Letter No. 2698 dated 16 Apr 2020 with instructions to EVN and provincial Departments of Industry & Trade to reduce power tariffs for businesses for a period of 3 months (Both EN and VN versions as attached for your perusal);
(2) Covid-19 impacts in terms of power/energy and recommendations for the Government.
We perceive that this is a good chance to provide necessary feedback, comments, and suggestions from the private sector’s perspective regarding the Covid-19 impact. In this regard, we welcome any contributions (either in English or Vietnamese) with the enclosed Template and sent to the VBF Secretariat at info@vbf.org.vn and phamlinhngan@gmail.com by COB Monday 4 May, 2020 for further actions.
Should you have any question, please kindly contact Ms. Ngan Pham, VBF PEWG Project Assistant at Tel.: 093 790 6600.
Thank you for your cooperation and we look forward to your feedback in due course.


3B Floor, Horison Tower, 40 Cat Linh,
Dong Da, Hanoi, Vietnam
T: (84) 243 715 2223
F: (84) 243 715 2218